Additional Maverics packages (Legacy)

Additional Maverics packages (Legacy)

This topic refers to legacy service extension syntax. For the current service extension syntax, see Service Extensions.

package "maverics/aws/config"


func LoadDefaultConfig(ctx context.Context, optFns ...func(*LoadOptions) error) (cfg aws.Config, err error)

LoadDefaultConfig reads the SDK’s default external configurations, and populates an AWS Config with the values from the external configurations.

For more info on the AWS Config package, please see the library’s documentation.


func WithRegion(v string) LoadOptionsFunc

WithRegion is a helper function to construct functional options that sets Region on config’s LoadOptions. Setting the region to an empty string, will result in the region value being ignored. If multiple WithRegion calls are made, the last call overrides the previous call values.

For more info on the AWS Config package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/aws/signer/v4"


func NewSigner(optFns ...func(signer *SignerOptions)) *Signer

NewSigner returns a new SigV4 Signer.

For more info on the AWS Signer V4 package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/cbor"

func NewDecoder

func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder

NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r. For more info on the UUID package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/html"

func Parse

func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Node, error)

Parse returns the parse tree for the HTML from the given Reader. For more info on the HTML package, please see the library’s documentation.

type Node

type Node struct {
	Parent, FirstChild, LastChild, PrevSibling, NextSibling *Node

	Type      NodeType
	Data      string
	Namespace string

A Node consists of a NodeType and some Data and are part of a tree of Nodes.

type NodeType

const (
    ElementNode = iota

A NodeType is the type of the Node of which only ElementNode is currently supported.

package "maverics/idp"

func CreateRequest

CreateRequest(opts ...idptype.LoginOption) idptype.LoginRequester

Enables the ability to add login options that can change the behavior of the authorization request. Examples shown below with various login options.

func WithUser

WithUser(attrs map[string]string) idptype.LoginOption

WithUser returns a login option that allows the user identity to be set.

// Example.
option := idp.WithUser(map[string]string{"username": "[email protected]"})

// Pass the option to the CreateRequest function.
idp.CreateRequest(option).Login(rw, req)

func WithLoginHint

WithLoginHint(loginHint string) idptype.LoginOption

WithLoginHint returns a login option that attaches a login hint to the authorization request. This login hint will be used by the respective IDP for pre-populating the login forms.

// Example.
option := idp.WithLoginHint("[email protected]")

// Pass the option to the CreateRequest function.
idp.CreateRequest(option).Login(rw, req)

package "maverics/jwt"

func ParseSigned

func ParseSigned(s string) (*JSONWebToken, error)

ParseSigned parses a signed JSON web token (JWT). For more info on the JWT package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/ldap"

To learn more about the LDAP package, please reference the library’s documentation.

func DialURL

DialURL(addr string, opts ...DialOpt) (*Conn, error)

DialURL when successful returns a connection to the given LDAP address. The following schemes are supported: ldap://,ldaps://, ldapi://. DialOpt configures the DialContext.

After a successful Conn is established, any of the connections methods can be used.

func DialWithTLSConfig

DialWithTLSConfig(tc *tls.Config)

DialWithTLSConfig is a DialOpt that updates tls.Config in DialContext. This allows dialing via TLS directly instead of having to upgrade the tcp connection to TLS via conn.StartTLS.

func NewModifyRequest

func NewModifyRequest(dn string, controls []Control) *ModifyRequest

NewModifyRequest creates a modify request for the given DN

func NewPasswordModifyRequest

func NewPasswordModifyRequest(
	userIdentity string,
	oldPassword string,
	newPassword string,
) *PasswordModifyRequest

NewPasswordModifyRequest creates a new password modify request.

func NewSearchRequest

func NewSearchRequest(
  BaseDN string,
  Scope, DerefAliases, SizeLimit, TimeLimit int,
  TypesOnly bool,
  Filter string,
  Attributes []string,
  Controls []Control,
) *SearchRequest

NewSearchRequest creates a new search request.

SearchRequest options

scope choices:

const (
  ScopeBaseObject   = 0
  ScopeSingleLevel  = 1
  ScopeWholeSubtree = 2


const (
  NeverDerefAliases   = 0
  DerefInSearching    = 1
  DerefFindingBaseObj = 2
  DerefAlways         = 3

package "maverics/log"

Package maverics/log provides a way to log messages in Service Extensions. All log records will be sent to stdout.

Log timestamps are always in UTC. For consistency, use time.Now().UTC() instead of time.Now() when writing timestamps in a Service Extension.

func Debug

func Debug(keyvals ...interface{})

Debug will log a record at debug level.

func Info

func Info(keyvals ...interface{})

Info will log a record at info level.

func Error

func Error(keyvals ...interface{})

Error will log a record at error level.

package "maverics/mysql"

func Open

func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*DB, error)

Open opens a database specified by its database driver name and a driver-specific data source name, usually consisting of at least a database name and connection information. The is the MySQL driver available for use. For more info on the SQL package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/pgx"

func Connect

Connect(ctx context.Context, connString string) (*Conn, error)

Connect establishes a connection with a Postgres database. For more info on the PGX package, please see the library’s documentation.

package "maverics/secret"

Hard coding secret strings directly in a Service Extension is a bad practice and cumbersome when dealing with secrets that change. Package maverics/secret provides a secure way to fetch secrets.

func Get

func Get(key string) interface{}

Get retrieves the value for the given key from the secret provider configured at load time.

func GetString

func GetString(key string) string

GetString retrieves the value as a string for the given key from the secret provider configured at load time.

package "maverics/session"

func Get

func Get(req *http.Request, name string) interface{}

Get retrieves attributes that are already on the session.

func GetString

func GetString(req *http.Request, name string) string

GetString retrieves attributes that are already on the session.

func Set

func Set(req *http.Request, name string, value interface{})

Set will store a new attribute on the session that will be available for later use.

func ID

func ID(req *http.Request) string

ID will return the session’s identifier. The session ID should be treated as a secret and should not be exposed outside a Service Extension.

func GetSessionByID

func GetSessionByID(sessionID string) *Session

GetSessionByID will return the session associated with the ID.

func SetCookie

func SetCookie(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

SetCookie sets the Orchestrator’s session cookie on the response.

func SetAuthenticated

func SetAuthenticated(req *http.Request, namespace string, authenticated bool)

SetAuthenticated sets whether the session is authenticated or not.

type Session

Session represents a user’s state.

func (s *Session) Get

func (s *Session) Get(name string) interface{}

Get retrieves attributes that are already on the session.

func (s *Session) GetString

func (s *Session) GetString(name string) string

GetString retrieves attributes that are already on the session.

func (s *Session) Set

func (s *Session) Set(name string, value interface{})

Set will store a new attribute on the session that will be available for later use.

func (s *Session) ID

func (s *Session) ID() string

ID will return the session’s identifier. The session ID should be treated as a secret and should not be exposed outside a Service Extension.

package "maverics/tai"

func NewSignedJWT

func NewSignedJWT(cfg Config) (string, error)

NewSignedJWT constructs a signed JWT that the TAI module consumes and validates.

type Config

type Config struct {
	// RSAPrivateKeyPEM is the pem-encoded RSA PKCS1 private key that will be used to
	// sign the JWT.
	RSAPrivateKeyPEM string

	// Subject is the user's unique identifier. This value will be mapped to the
	// JWT's 'sub' claim.
	Subject string

	// Lifetime is the duration of the token's lifetime. This value will be mapped
	// to the JWT's 'exp' claim. The Lifetime should generally be set to match the
	// lifetime of a user's session.
	Lifetime time.Duration

Config represents the configuration options required to construct a signed JWT.

package "maverics/uuid"

func New

func New() UUID

New creates a new random UUID or panics. For more info on the UUID package, please see the library’s documentation.