Sonar and Canary demo apps

Sonar and Canary demo apps

How to set up the Sonar and Canary demo apps to use in the Maverics evaluation.

If you cannot use your own apps to complete the Maverics evaluation and/or cannot use the publicly hosted apps, you can stand up containers of Strata’s two demo apps to use in your evaluation.


You will need to use Docker or a docker-based container platform to run the containers.

  • Docker Desktop (Mac/Windows) OR Docker Engine v20.10.x or greater
  • Ports:
    • 8987 (Sonar demo app)
    • 8988 (Canary Bank demo app)

Pulling the images

  • docker pull strataidentity/sonar
  • docker pull strataidentity/canarybank

Running the containers for proxy app testing

You need to map ports with the docker run command when instantiating each container. Each app has a built-in user and password.

Sonar (header-based)

This app requires the SM_USER header to complete an authorization. You can also optionally set firstname and lastname headers.

  1. From the docker CLI, run:
    docker run -p 8987:8987 strataidentity/sonar sonar
  2. In your browser, go to http://localhost:8987
    • username: jdoe
    • password: password

Canary Bank

  1. From the docker CLI, run:
    docker run -p 8988:8988 strataidentity/canarybank canarybank
  2. In your browser, go to http://localhost:8988
    1. username: jdoe
    2. password: password

Running Sonar as an OIDC app


  • Download the here to get self-signed certs and the rootCA.pem file needed to set up Sonar.
  1. Using your preferred text editor, create a file called sonar.env.
  2. Copy and paste the following code in the sonar.env file and save.
    AUTH_PROVIDERS=[ { "name": "Maverics", "type": "oidc", "config": { "clientID": "clientID", "clientSecret": "clientSecret", "issuer": "https://localhost", "redirectURL": "https://localhost:8987/auth/Maverics/callback" } } ]
  1. In the same directory, create a new file called docker-compose.yaml and copy and paste the following code.
version: "3.8"
    image: strataidentity/sonar:latest
    hostname: sonar
      - ./sonar.env
      - "8987:8987"
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: update-ca-certs
    network_mode: bridge
      - localhost:host-gateway
      - ./rootCA.pem:/etc/ssl/certs/rootCA.pem
      - ./localhost.pem:/localhost.pem
      - ./localhost-key.pem:/localhost-key.pem
  1. In your OIDC app definition, set the following:
    • clientID: clientID
    • clientSecret: clientSecret
    • redirectURLs: https://localhost:8987/auth/Maverics/callback
  2. You can also set the following optional definitions, replacing yourIDP.yourClaim in each field:
      email: yourIDP.yourClaim
      given_name: yourIDP.yourClaim
      family_name: yourIDP.yourClaim
  1. In your OIDC auth provider definition, set the following:
    • issuer: https://localhost
  2. Start the orchestrator by running the Maverics binary file in your working directory. Important: The orchestrator must be running before you start the Sonar app.
  3. In your terminal window or command line, run:
docker-compose up

The expected output will be as follows:

staging-eval-sonar-1  | 2023/11/15 18:31:03 Starting the server [::]:8987
  1. Go to the Sonar app at https://localhost:8987 and click Login with Maverics to start the OIDC login flow.
  2. To stop the services defined in the Compose file, you can run the following command:
docker-compose down

This will stop and remove all the containers created by the Compose file.