Access accounts and subscriptions

Access accounts and subscriptions

You can quickly change the account you are working in by clicking the account name at the top left side of the main screen and selecting a different account from the dropdown menu.

To view all of your accounts and the number of members, click your email address in the upper right corner of the screen. In the dropdown menu, select Accounts. On the Accounts page, you can view the information on the accounts you have access to, including the number of members of each account and which accounts you own. From here, you can click Use this account to switch to any of your listed accounts.

Additionally, accounts you have been invited to are listed in the lower section. Click Accept invite to become an account member. The account will then appear in your access list.

Account owner vs. account member

Account members have the ability to configure identity fabric, applications, environments, user flows, and service extensions.

Account owners have the same capabilities, in addition to the following administrative actions:

  • Inviting members to the account
  • Transferring ownership of an account
  • Setting up Enterprise SSO for the account
  • Deleting accounts

Invite others to your account

  1. Click your email address in the upper right corner of the screen and click Accounts.
  2. Click your account name to edit.
  3. Click New Member and enter the email address of your colleague. When you go back to the accounts page you will see the invitation pending.
  4. For the invited user to join, they must sign up for an account and go to the accounts section to accept the invitation.
  5. To switch between accounts, click the account name in the top left side of the dashboard and select an account from the dropdown menu.

View subscriptions

In the upper right corner of the screen, click your email address and click Subscriptions. On the Subscriptions page, you can view a list of environments you have configured, with the number of applications and identity fabric services assigned to each. You are only billed for the applications and identity fabric services signed to Production environments. If you have any questions or would like additional subscriptions, please contact Sales.