Local environment setup

Local environments allow the orchestrator pull configuration locally. In this environment type, all deployed configurations must be manually saved to your local storage (or a location that your orchestrator has access to).

  1. Go to the Environments list and select your local environment.
  2. Download the orchestrator based on your OS into a folder.
  3. Download the configuration in Deployed User Flows into the same folder.
  4. Download the Public Key into the same folder in previous step.
  5. Set up the appropriate file path to your keys in the maverics.env file.

An example maverics.env file:

export MAVERICS_HTTP_ADDRESS=:8443    
export MAVERICS_TLS_SERVER_CERT_FILE=./localhost.pem 
export MAVERICS_TLS_SERVER_KEY_FILE=./localhost-key.pem
export MAVERICS_BUNDLE_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=./local-env_public_key.cer
export MAVERICS_AWS_CONFIG='{"region":<value>, "bucketName":<value>, "accessKeyID":<value>,"secretAccessKey":<value>}'
  1. (OPTIONAL) MAVERICS_AWS_CONFIG can be removed. If removed, maverics.tar.gz should be saved in /etc/maverics or use the flag --config when running the command to start the orchestrator.
  2. Start the orchestrator with the command:

source maverics.env && ./maverics_darwin_arm64


source maverics.env && ./maverics_darwin_arm64 --config maverics.tar.gz

  1. In your browser, open https://localhost:8443.