Evaluation installation

To download an orchestrator installer, go to Environments and click the name of the environment you want to use. In the Orchestrator section, download an installer or evaluation bundle based on your OS and follow the documentation below to install and setup. Instructions in this topic are provided for evaluation environments only.

Mac/Linux evaluation installation

After downloading the evaluation bundle, open the file. The uncompressed folder will contain the following files:

  • localhost-key.pem
  • localhost.pem
  • maverics-orchestrator.zip
  • maverics.env
  • public-key.pem
  • rootCA.pem
  1. Unzip the maverics-orchestrator.zip file to find the orchestrator executable named maverics_darwin_amd64.
  2. Open a Terminal to this directory and run the following command:
    source ./maverics.env && ./maverics_darwin_amd64
  3. This will start the orchestrator instance. From here, you can now use recipes in the Learning Center.

Windows evaluation installation

After downloading the evaluation bundle, open the file. The uncompressed folder will contain the following files:

  • localhost-key.pem
  • localhost.pem
  • maverics-orchestrator.msi
  • maverics.env
  • public-key.pem
  • rootCA.pem

Before starting the orchestrator instance, you will need to edit your registry with the values saved in the maverics.env file. To do this, first install Maverics by double-clicking the .msi file you’ve downloaded from Maverics. The maverics.exe binary will be installed in the C:\Program Files\Strata Identity\Maverics directory.

Next, open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\mavericsSvc. Create a multi-string value (REG_MULTI_SZ) called Environment if it does not already exist.

Copy and paste the Windows code block from the maverics.env file, inserting line breaks between each value. The code block in the text box should look like this:

export MAVERICS_TLS_SERVER_CERT_FILE=./localhost.pem
export MAVERICS_TLS_SERVER_KEY_FILE=./localhost-key.pem
export MAVERICS_BUNDLE_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=./public_key.pem
export MAVERICS_AWS_CONFIG='{your unique configuration key}
By default, the orchestrator MSI installer adds a MAVERICS_CONFIG environment variable at the System level pointing to a different location. Delete this instance of the environment variable (System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables… > System variables) to avoid configuration conflicts.

The Maverics service needs to be restarted to read these new environment variables. To restart it, from the Computer Management console or the Windows Search field, launch Services (services.msc). Find the Maverics service in the list, right-click and select “Restart.”

The “Startup type” for the Maverics service is set to “Auto”, which means the service will be started each time Windows starts.

For more information on Windows installation, including where to find orchestrator logs, see our Windows instructions