Amazon Cognito

The Cognito Connector provides a way for Maverics to interact with Amazon Cognito via OIDC. The Connector automatically fetches the information from oidcWellKnownURL and uses the provided API endpoints to authenticate users and perform session validation.

By default, the Cognito connector follows the Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). If the OIDC provider does not support PKCE, set the disablePKCE option to true.

Configuration options

The following values can be provided to the OIDC Connector via the Maverics configuration file.

OAuth Client ID

oauthClientID is the client ID of the Maverics application registered in the OIDC provider organization.

OAuth Client Secret

oauthClientSecret is the client secret used to register the Maverics application in the OIDC provider.

OAuth Redirect URL

oauthRedirectURL is the URL that OIDC provider will use to redirect the client back to after authentication. The Maverics OIDC handler will be served on this URL. The oauthRedirectURL path should not conflict with the path of any application resources. The path can be arbitrary (e.g. /maverics-oidc or /oidc-handler).

OIDC Well-known URL

oidcWellKnownURL is the URL that returns OpenID Connect metadata about the OIDC provider authorization server.

OIDC Logout Callback URL

oidcLogoutCallbackURL is the URL that the OIDC provider will use to redirect the client back to the application after logging out the user. The connector’s OIDC logout handler will be served on this URL. The oidcLogoutCallbackURL path should not conflict with the path of any application resources. The path can be arbitrary (e.g. /oidc-logout or /oidc/logout) and must typically be configured in the OIDC provider.

Disable PKCE

disablePKCE is disable the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) extension (enabled by default).


Basic Cognito Connector Configuration

  - name: MyCognito 
    type: cognito 
    oauthClientID: exampleID
    oauthClientSecret: <exampleSecret>
    disablePKCE: false